How to break in new shoes without causing blisters or discomfort

Breaking in a new pair of shoes can be a painful process, but it doesn't have to be. With a few simple tips and tricks, you can break in your new shoes without causing blisters or discomfort. Here's what you need to know:

Start slow with new shoes

The key to breaking in new shoes is to start slow. Don't wear your new shoes for a full day right off the bat. Instead, wear them for short periods of time, gradually increasing the amount of time you spend in them each day. This will allow your feet to get used to the shoes without causing too much discomfort

Wear socks

When breaking in new shoes, it's important to wear socks. Socks can help to protect your feet from blisters and other irritations that can be caused by new shoes rubbing against your skin. Choose a pair of socks that are comfortable and breathable, as this will help to keep your feet cool and dry.

Use a shoe stretcher

If you're having trouble breaking in your new shoes, you may want to consider using a shoe stretcher. A shoe stretcher can help to stretch out tight areas of the shoe, making them more comfortable to wear. Simply insert the stretcher into your shoe and adjust it until it fits snugly. Leave the stretcher in your shoe for a few hours, or overnight, to allow the shoe to stretch out.

Use heat

Heat can be an effective way to break in new shoes. One method is to use a hairdryer to warm up the shoes. Put on a pair of socks and then put on the shoes. Use the hairdryer to blow hot air on the tight areas of the shoe for a few minutes, until the shoes are warmed up and flexible. Keep the shoes on until they cool down, as this will help them to conform to the shape of your feet.

Use a lubricant

A lubricant can also be used to help break in new shoes. Apply a small amount of petroleum jelly, lotion or conditioner to the inside of the shoe where it's rubbing against your skin. This will help to reduce friction and prevent blisters. Be careful not to apply too much, as this can make your feet slip inside the shoe.

Walk around

One of the best ways to break in new shoes is to walk around in them. Take short walks around your house or office, gradually increasing the distance you walk each day. This will help to stretch out the shoes and allow your feet to get used to them.

Stretch the shoes with your feet

Another way to break in new shoes is to stretch them out with your feet. While sitting down, flex your feet up and down, and side to side. This will help to stretch out the shoe and make it more comfortable to wear.

Get a professional fitting

If you're having trouble breaking in your new shoes, you may want to consider getting a professional fitting. A professional can help you to find the right size and style of shoe for your feet, which can make the breaking in process much easier. They may also be able to suggest additional tips and tricks for breaking in your shoes.

In conclusion, breaking in new shoes doesn't have to be a painful process. By following these tips and tricks, you can break in your new shoes without causing blisters or discomfort. Remember to start slow, wear socks, use a shoe stretcher or heat, use a lubricant, walk around, stretch the shoes with your feet, and get a professional fitting if necessary. With a little patience and persistence, you'll be able to enjoy your new shoes in no time.